EOCCO March 2025 Provider Newsletter
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EOCCO March 2025 Provider Newsletter

EOCCO Clinics & Staff,

Welcome to the March 2025 issue of the EOCCO monthly newsletter. Below is a preview of the articles you will find in this month's email:

News from EOCCO:

  • EOCCO and Advantage Dental's first tooth lunch and learn
  • 2025 EOCCO Quality Improvement office hours
  • April 2025 IET learning collaborative
  • IET technical assistance drop-in hours
  • Provider directory data accuracy
  • EOCCO Community Capacity Building Funds (CCBF) application and technical assistance sessions
  • EOCCO Provider Manual update

From our partners:

  • New OHA-Certified/Qualified Health Care Interpreter (HCI) Registry file posted

Plese let us know if you have any questions, concerns or recommendations. We would love to hear from you!

Please contact: EOCCO Provider Inquiry

Thank you,
Your EOCCO Team

EOCCO and Advantage Dental’s first tooth lunch and learn

Please join EOCCO and Advantage Dental for a first tooth lunch and learn! This event will be held on Wednesday, April 16, 2025, from 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. PST and will cover topics such as:

  • Billing and coding for fluoride varnish and preventative dental services
  • How to perform oral health evaluations
  • How to apply fluoride varnish to pediatric populations

This training is open to all providers and clinic staff at primary care clinics. Participants are eligible for up to one CME credit.

Note that participants must register for the collaborative via this form. You will receive a meeting invitation within three business days of registration.

Please contact EOCCOmetrics@modahealth.com with any questions about this event.

2025 EOCCO Quality Improvement office hours

EOCCO’s Quality Improvement (QI) team is hosting a series of virtual office hours for clinical partners during 2025!

Each office hour session will be loosely focused on a CCO incentive measure or reporting requirement, but it is an open space for partners to come, peer-share and ask questions about any topics in the quality improvement realm.

EOCCO QI office hours schedule:

  • Second Tuesday of every month from 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. PST

Please complete the QI office hours registration form to indicate your interest in participating in EOCCO’s QI office hours. We will send out the calendar invite for the full QI office hours meeting series once registration is received. Please reach out to EOCCOmetrics@modahealth.com with any questions

April 2025 IET learning collaborative

EOCCO is excited to present a learning collaborative on Initiation and Engagement of Substance Use Disorder Treatment (IET). Please join us on Tuesday, April 22, 2025, for a virtual learning opportunity on the IET incentive measure. Providers and staff at any EOCCO-contracted physical and behavioral health practice are welcome. Agenda items will include (but are not strictly limited to) a discussion of EOCCO IET data trends, the utility of process mapping, and opportunities for peer-sharing.

Please click here to register for this collaborative.

Please reach out to EOCCOmetrics@modahealth.com with any questions or concerns, or if you/your organization has any ideas for agenda items.

IET technical assistance drop-in hours

Starting in mid-March 2025, EOCCO will be offering weekly technical assistance sessions for any physical or behavioral health provider looking for assistance or information on the Initiation and Engagement in Substance Use Disorder Treatment (IET) incentive measure. This will be a set time for drop-in hours each week, co-lead by Tasha Robinson (tasha.robinson@modahealth.com) with Moda and Kati Jokinen (kjokinen@gobhi.org) with GOBHI. We are aiming to address any concerns related to IET cases and the technical specifications of the measure.

The IET Measure Office Hours will be held on Thursdays, from 10-11 a.m. PST. Please click here to register for these office hours.

Please reach out to EOCCOmetrics@modahealth.com with any questions or concerns.

Provider directory data accuracy

Accurate provider directory information allows members to find you, helps members receive timely access to care, and helps to ensure accurate and timely payment for your services.

Effective July 1, 2024, EOCCO uses Quest Analytics' BetterDoctor tool to verify your provider directory information. BetterDoctor will reach out to you on a quarterly basis to confirm or update your information. You must complete a quarterly review to remain listed in our provider directory.

You will be contacted by BetterDoctor every 90 days by fax, mail, email and/or telephone to verify your provider directory information. Please respond and attest or provide changes when you receive outreach. Providers are required to validate the accuracy of their information every 90 days, even if there are no changes to the information.

Providers are responsible for reporting necessary information within the following timeframes to ensure accurate information is available to members and providers:

  • Notify EOCCO within ten (10) business days of all changes to the list of Group Providers, the services it/they provide, and all contact and billing information for Provider and Group Providers
  • As requested by EOCCO, provider roster requests must be completed and returned no later than 30 days upon receipt

Provider directory accuracy validation process

BetterDoctor will contact you quarterly by email, fax, telephone and/or U.S. mail. Their outreach will indicate Moda Health as a participating health plan.

You'll be asked to visit betterdoctor.com/validate and enter the access code given to you by BetterDoctor. (It is an eight-character alphanumeric code and is not case sensitive.)

Verify and update your information using the online tool via the BetterDoctor portal.

BetterDoctor verifies information for each practicing location and providers, so you may receive more than one verification request. Access codes provided on communications are specific to the providers and locations listed.

If your group includes 20 or more practitioners, you can register to participate in the BetterDoctor roster process designed for large groups and health systems.

Updates captured by BetterDoctor will be provided to EOCCO for processing.

If you need help, please contact support@BetterDoctor.com for assistance.

EOCCO Community Capacity Building Funds (CCBF) application and technical assistance sessions

EOCCO is excited to announce the 2025 Community Capacity Building Funds (CCBF) grant application cycle, which will launch on April 1, 2025, on the EOCCO Grants website. More information will be released in April.

The EOCCO grants team and the HRSN team will host four technical assistance webinars for potential applicants to review this funding opportunity in greater detail and answer questions. You can register for the following technical assistance sessions now at:

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to the EOCCO grants team at EOCCOGrants@eocco.com.

EOCCO Provider Manual update 

The 2025 Provider Manual is now posted on our website. Please ensure you are using the most recent version of the manual which can be found on the provider home page. If there are any questions regarding the 2025 Provider Manual, please contact EOCCOproviderinquiry@modahealth.com

New OHA-certified Health Care Interpreter Registry file posted

The January 2025 OHA Health Care Interpreter (HCI) Registry file has been posted to the EOCCO Incentive Measure webpage under “Meaningful Language Access”. This file contains a list of all active OHA-Certified or Qualified Health Care Interpreters in the state of Oregon. This file can be downloaded for your reference and records.

You can also search for OHA Certified or Qualified Health Care Interpreter’s on the Health Care Interpreter Registry webpage


Questions related to incentive measures, health equity, traditional health workers, SDoH, and HIT - Please email EOCCOMetrics@modahealth.com

Questions related to claims and payment information - Please email EOCCOProviderInquiry@modahealth.com

Need to verify if your provider or group NPI is active? Please use OHA’s verification tool

Need to register your practitioner, group or facility? You can find forms on EOCCO.com/Providers/becomeaprovider

If you would like to be added or removed from the email list, please let us know at finn.gornick@modahealth.com