EOCCO referrals & authorizations
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Referrals & authorizations

Learn which services need prior authorizations, which services are not covered, and which are not medically necessary.

New! Submit your prior authorization request electronically

Changes to retro authorizations

To align with Oregon Administrative Rule 410-120-1320 (Authorization of Payment), effective with dates of service 1/1/2025 and forward, EOCCO will only accept retroactive authorizations if the following criteria are met.

  • The client was made retroactively eligible or was retroactively disenrolled from a CCO or PHP on the date of service; and
  • The services provided meet all other criteria and Oregon Administrative Rules, and;
  • The request for authorization is received within ninety (90) days of the date of service;

Any requests for authorization after ninety (90) days from date of service require documentation from the Provider that authorization could not have been obtained within ninety (90) days of the date of service.

Please contact eoccoproviderinquiry@modahealth.com with any questions or to request additional information regarding this change.


EOCCO Medical Necessity Criteria


The following tools are EOCCO’s referral and authorization guidelines and instructions. They can help you understand prior authorization request requirements and other medical services that do not require authorization.

Clinical Practice Guidelines

Clinical Practice Guidelines Policy



Behavioral Health



Customer Service: 888-788-9821 (TTY users: 711)
Pharmacy Customer Service 888-474-8539
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. PST

EOCCO members should have their member ID number ready for quicker help.

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